Minimally Invasive Methods
In Office Therapy Solutions
Provides a natural, painless alternative to surgery
Helps avoid surgery or other invasive procedures for joint and soft tissue pain and injuries
Addresses the underlying tissue
damage not just the symptoms
Key components:
INCLUDING collagen, cytokines, growth factors, hyaluronic acid, and more.

Non-Surgical Pain Solutions
Regenerative Tissue Therapy
Utilizes the natural healing
abilities of the human body
Stimulates your body’s healing abilities to speed up tissue healing and recovery
Instead of focusing on addressing temporary treatment inflammation, regenerative
tissue therapy addresses
the underlying cause
of the pain, damaged
or degenerated tissue.
Powerful Results

Recurring Shoulder Pain?

Persistent Back Pain?

Chronic Knee Pain?

Minimally Invasive Methods
Joint Degeneration
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Tennis Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Sports Injuries
Plantar Fasciitis
Knee Pain
Hip Pain
Hair Regrowth
Powerful Results
Advanced Medical Solutions of America